Sunday, October 5, 2008

Katy and Allison's Big Movie Premiere

It's been a while since we've updated so here's the first of a few posts about what we've been up to for the last few weeks...

Katy and Allison starred in their second major motion picture. Their first release a fresh take on the disney classic Peter Pan was low budget and was panned by the critics. This latest release "Solar Sara and Cosmic Carol and the Planet of the Angry Aliens" had a much longer title and had a big Koch house premiere. Below are some photos of the two stars signing autographs before a special private showing of their film with Mommy. Because Daddy makes a brief but embarrassing appearance in this film it is opening to a very, very limited release. I wouldn't bother trying to find it anywhere.

Katy was dressed for the part...

Whereas Allison was simply dressed...

Mommy loved the film.

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